It was a nice day to go to Southport actually, although walking to the end of the pier when we first got there was freezing! but we went inside the arcade place and had a go on a few things. As soon as we went through the door, Ella spotted a Sooty truck (kids toy thing that moves - always outside Supermarkets) and she got in. But then we put the money in and she didn't know what was going on and started crying and tried to get out, awww it was so cute, yet so funny! haha. But she loved the little puppet show and was having a jig away. OH and then she had a little tantrum which was funny, actually did the whole lying down on the floor crying thing -I know you shouldn't because you're giving them attention but I laughed at her :) or with her I mean...phew got away with that :p luckily she got over it quickly and it didn't require disowning her.
Later on on our way back I bought Mike and Ella and myself an ice cream, and it's very interesting to watch children eat ice cream, they take FOREVER!!! so Mike kept having to save it from melting everywhere by eating it...or maybe that was his ploy all along?? Hmmm
And they all came back to ours for dinner so it was a good family day out
Somewhere in the last couple of days I also decided that I needed something to wear for Sara's wedding party this Friday - I always leave it to the last minute and panic buy stuff, but I don't think I could shop for a dress in any other way or I'd stop myself from buying it and ask 'when will I ever wear this?' So I had a quick look in M&S in Southport and ended up with 2 tops - not very helpful really, although they are evening ones, so more like back ups if I failed in getting a dress and could go back to my safety net of trousers!
So Sunday I ended up in town and bought more stuff I wasn't looking for right then in Primark, but at least that was cheap! I wandered around the rest of town and ended up back in M&S to try on a couple of dresses. Now I was almost done and ready to buy a multi coloured dress when the lovely fitting room women got involved in 'helping'. So they went off trying to find clothes for me to wear. And apparently I'm far too young to be wearing Per Una clothes - I really thought they were for young people - is that just me? But no, they're for people over 40! To be honest even knowing that won't stop me liking some of the stuff in there as it's not like I'm a fashion geek or anything.
So I felt like we were there for hours - it's a very draining experience when people keep saying you look nice - I don't like it when people do that, I'd rather just be a wallflower and blend in to the darkness - that's my home :) hehe
Oh Carol, you'll be pleased to know that I have started watching Castle as it's just started on Alibi or something. I actually had no idea what it was about, despite knowing you watched it. So seen the first 2 episodes now and so far so good, I will be continuing to watch it. :)
Today at work was a nightmare - I was on reception duty which is bad enough in itself as you have to actually converse with students?!? what's up with that? Anyway, the computer also wouldn't work, so I logged it with the helpdesk people who oh so helpfully said it usually gets seen to within 8 working hours! 8 hours?? What are these people doing? I need my computer, I even got withdrawal symptoms :( so I managed to do a whole lot of shredding today. Previously I have always been in favour of doing a bit of shredding, but I have come to the realisation that it's only therapeutic when you CHOOSE to shred, not when boxes and boxes of it are forced upon you - heed my warning oh listeners...erm readers...erm Carol. :) and because of that whole day of nothing, I'm now knackered! Why is that? I think it's because the day is actually 2 full days inside the one, so you're obviously sleep deprived from working 2 full shifts :p But no receptino for me tomorrow MWAHAHAHA to Fran.
On the very bright side of things though - GLEE IS BACK TONIGHT - how great is that?? WOO WOO!!
Going to comedy club tomorrow night on Myrtle Street I think, should be good fun I hope - plan to sit near back so can't be picked on :)
Wow, mega essay there - anyway gotta get off
Your stalker here...hehe
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have commented but for the fact I want to tell you which dress to wear: the red and purple one without the leggings. It seems a little more dressy(?) and I can totally see you in it but not really the other one (so you will have to wear that when you're out with me sometime so I can see you in it haha!) But yeah I really like the one on the right :)
Also - Per Una is so for younger people! What section in there IS for our age then??? I mean all of M&S is a bit older but Per Una was introduced for the younger market. Daft women!
Hooray for Castle! I'm tryna make my mum watch it too lol.
My work day was awesome, as well as lobbying for 3-4 day weekends I propose we add 2 and 1/2 hour lunches to the proposal!
Enjoy your comedy club :D and Glee, of course! xxx
HAHA lol
ReplyDeleteWell I'm glad you did comment, I like getting comments :)
Thank you for your input re: my dress saga. I don't know what I'll wear in the end, probably trousers and top hehe.
I know! That's what I totally thought, when did it change??? Apparently for our age we should be shopping in the Limited Collection range - who knows, I just buy stuff i like, even if it's in the fuddy duddy bit of M&S lol!
Lookin at the website the Per Una stuff is way more interesting/prettier than the Limited Collection stuff, though they do use a younger looking model for the Limited Collection so go figure. *shrug*