

Hello and welcome to my Little Willow blog, well welcome to those who might stumble across it anyway as I have yet to give this address to anyone :) I thought I might try and see how I get along with just writing in it first. It's all a lot of random stuff, but hey, hopefully there'll be something interesting for people

Sunday 2 January 2011

It's a New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone - ok so I'm a day late, but I spent the day reading yesterday and didn't go near technology.

I'm quite disappointed I didn't reach my intended target of 100 posts by the end of 2010 but as I was running out of time, I didn't really have an awful lot to say and I didn't really want to write any more drivel than was necessary :-)

Ok so everyone talks about resolutions for the coming year but first I'm going to dig out and see what my resolutions were for 2010 and see if I managed to accomplish any of them:

1) Do more writing - well I did do a fair few assignments and definitely did more writing than the previous year so I will credit myself with this one I think :-)
2)Save more money - I also managed to do this - to some extent as I have made a few purchases also
3)Get more active - unfortunately I dramatically failed at this one. However, I do have an excuse...I mean reason - the chronic sinusitis caused me to become very lethargic and this time last year I wasn't really expecting it to last as long as it has (which unfotunately is still a problem?)
4) Eat less indulgently and cut back on the crap - I had ups and downs with this one, I was very good at times and terrible at others, something to work on harder!

There were a couple of personal ones too which I will say that I did have success with one but it didn't work out as planned, as for the other, I failed :-(

So new resolutions for the forthcoming year? To be honest I'm going to keep most of them the same:

1) Again, get more writing done - I've now switched to the fiction part of the course so I should be able to feel more focused and I'd like to dedicate some time per week to getting out the house to write where there are less distractions.
2) I know it's a long way off but I'd like to prepare for this year's NaNoWriMo and give it a bigger shot than I did last year.
3) Save more money - again I want to keep up with this and look around for the best deals with savings accounts
4) Get more active and lose weight - not something I can start immediately, need to wait until my foot is better but as for the losing weight bit, I can start with that - eat more fruit and veg, eat more healthily and stop eating for the sake of eating - get out of the habit of boredom eating.
5) Try and do as well as I can with the new cake decorating course I'm starting next week. I'm hoping to make my new baby niece's Christening cake (it'll be a few months, she's not due until March! But at least I can get some practice in!).
6) Try new things and take more chances
7) Keep baking and attempt proper food cooking also

Ok, I think that's well enough to be getting on with for now - ok one more to add - keep blogging! :-)

Let em know if you have any resolutions and maybe we can help each other to stick to them
Good luck and I wish you all the very best in reaching your dreams in 2011

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